My blog posts revolve around my interests and vocation as a historian: the intersection of history and contemporary church life, the intersection of history and contemporary politics, serendipitous discoveries in archives or on research trips, publications and research projects, upcoming conferences, and speaking engagements.
I sometimes blog for two other organizations, the Canadian Baptist Historical Society and the Centre for Post-Christendom Studies. The views expressed in these blogs represent the views of the authors, and not necessarily those of any organizations with which they are associated. |
Truth is often hard to come by, especially when it comes to a nation admitting its faults. It is also hard for people to call a spade a spade when it comes to the actions of other nations, especially when that nation is an important ally.
Here is a new book edited by Steve Studebaker and myself. It is a series of chapters making connections between the Reformation and today's modern world. Click here for the link.
Should I stay or should I go?
I often hear that question from leaders as they talk about how they are fed up with what they see as troubling trends within their denomination. Their concern is apostacy, and their proclivity is to flee and find moral or doctrinal purity somewhere else. They may even seek to start a new movement that is exactly what they think a New Testament church should be. I was recently asked by a student if I had any books on leadership that I could recommend. I realized at that moment that I needed a quick go-to reference for my recommendations. What follows are some books that I have found to be helpful and are a good starting point for someone wanting to read about Christian leadership.
October 2024